Billionaires insights

Matérias 29 de janeiro de 2019

Billionaires insights

The series of annual reports, developed and issued by the collaboration of the global networks of UBS and PwC, outlines billionaires characteristics and how they empower the global economy.

2018 – New visionaries and the Chinese Century

Last year, the world’s billionaires’ assets grew by USD 1.4 trillion to USD 8.9 trillion – the most substantial annual increase and the greatest wealth ever. There were 332 new billionaires, 199 of which self-made entrepreneurs. China, the fastest growing billionaire market worldwide, is producing two new billionaires a week. The «Billionaires Insights 2018 – New Visionaries and the Chinese Century» report conducted by PwC and UBS focuses on this staggering growth. APAC comes out on top and is unmatched when it comes to generating wealth. The report also analyses the enormous shift of wealth that is predicted for the next generation.

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